Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

In each of our business lines we develop solutions to forsee environmental changes and respond to evolving client needs, whether they are investors, companies, or partners. In doing so, we play a key role in urban transformation and put corporate social responsbility at the heart of our business.

We recognise the unique economic, social, civic and environmental responsibilities that come along with our position as a leader in the real estate sector in Khulna. Our CSR policy guides us to carry out our mission.

Our aim is to satisfy the needs of our clients and partners by delivering professional services that create shared value and contribute to the development of a more sustainable, ecological and collaborative society.

It's our responsibility to our poor staff, neighbors and others by participating in various activities. Our CSR policy is an integrated part of our overall business policy.

The Four Pillars of Our CSR Strategy:

  • 1. Economic Responsibility
  • To build innovative product and service offers, along with our clients and partners, in an ethical and responsible manner.
  • 2. Environmental Responsibility
  • To reduce the environmental impact of our real estate activities and to make environmental quality a lever of tangible and intangible performance improvement.
  • 3. Social Responsibility
  • To value the development and commitment of our Employees.
  • 4. Civic Responsibility
  • To be a committed real estate sector player and to support local initiatives.
We have a separate HR and welfare team who monitor all the facilities regularly and subimt their reports to the authorized persons. In case of any threat regarding health, safety, weather or climate change, religious & mankind issue or any, our CSR comes forward.